Our People

Senior Direction

Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan 50. Parapak, M.Eng.Sc.


Dr. (Hon.) Jonathan Fifty. Parapak, Chiliad.Eng.Sc. is a graduate from the University of Tasmania, Australia, and was awarded an Honorary Medico from Ouachita Baptist University. He has extensive experience in business and authorities services. He was the President, CEO, and Chairman of Indosat. Dr. Parapak served as a Secretary-General of the Department of Tourism, Post, Telecommunication; a fellow member of the National Council of Inquiry. Joining UPH in 2001, he was so appointed as the President and Rector of UPH in 2006.

Prof. Dr. Adrianus Mooy, M.Sc.

Senior Counselor

Prof. Mooy obtained his Doc of Philosophy in Economics from the Academy of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (USA), and One thousand.Sc. in Economic science (Money and Banking) from the same University. He received his B.Sc. in Economics from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (Indonesia). He has all-encompassing experience in many different areas including educational activity as Lecturer by and large at the Universitas Indonesia, Dki jakarta, where he obtained his full professorship in economics. He was also a member of People Consultative Associates (MPR) and a member of Regime Committees responsible for the drafting of the Guidelines of State Policy (GBHN). He helped the Authorities in several capacities: as Deputy Chairman of National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) responsible for the conception of a Five Years Development Plans (REPELITA) especially on macro-economic planning equally well equally fiscal, monetary, and balance of payments planning. He likewise served as Governor of Bank Indonesia (the Central Bank of Indonesia) and equally Indonesian Ambassador to the European union based in Brussels, Belgium. On the international front, he served the Un equally Under-Secretary-General / Executive Secretary of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) based in Bangkok, Thailand. Prof. Mooy joined UPH in 2007 as Senior Advisor until today. He was besides the Rector of UPH Surabaya until 2018.

Ir. Budhi T. Yuwono, M.Thou., Yard.Pd.

Senior Assistant to Rector

He received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Applied science from Trisakti Academy, Master of Management degree from Universitas Indonesia, and Master of Teaching degree from Universitas Pelita Harapan. He has been working with Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan (YPPH) since 1993 for schoolhouse development, especially in remote areas. He is also working for UPH in the area of networking and scholarship. Earlier joining YPPH, he worked for IBM for eight years in several positions in marketing.

Christine L. Sommers, Ph.D, RN, CNE

VP 1 - Chief Academic Officer (Provost) & Executive Dean of Faculty of Nursing

Christine Sommers joined UPH in August 2012 equally a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing. She earned her available's degree in nursing from Cedarville University in 1989, her primary'south degree in nursing from the University of Washington in 1992, and her postmaster certificate in Nursing Education from Washington State University in 2010. She completed her Ph.D. in nursing from the Academy of Kansas in 2019. While completing her doctorate, she researched the best education practices for instruction culturally diverse nursing students. She has over 25 years of experience as an intensive care nurse and nurse educator. She is certified as a nurse educator and is a CCRN Emeritus. She enjoys the opportunity to provide seminars to nurses and other healthcare providers in several countries and throughout Republic of indonesia. She is committed to serving Christ through excellence in pedagogy and guiding others. She has a desire to make a difference wherever God puts her to serve Him.

Alva Manuel Tumilisar

VP 2 - Primary People Officer

Dr. Curtis Jay Taylor, Ph. D.

VP 3 - Principal Educatee Development Officeholder

In 2015, after visiting UPH ten times over a period of five years, Dr. Curtis Jay. Taylor moved to Indonesia with his family unit in order to join the International Teachers Higher at Universitas Pelita Harapan as a teacher and the Director of Admissions. In this chapters, he has the privilege of recruiting qualified Christian students from around the world for the primary and secondary English pedagogy programs that the ITC offers. Prior to coming to Indonesia, Dr. Taylor served Dordt College in Iowa (USA) for 23 years in diverse administrative roles, including Dean for Global Educational activity, Special Assistant to the President, Vice President for Student Services, and Director of Residence Life. Over the course of his career in higher teaching. Dr. Taylor has also held administrative roles at Iowa Land University (USA), the University of Washington (USA), and Michigan State University (USA) and has served in leadership positions on numerous national boards related to higher education. Dr. Taylor has had the honour of speaking to groups in over xxx countries in North America and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia on topics related to Christian education, The states higher instruction, leadership, and strategic planning. He has served as president of the Sioux Center Bedchamber of Commerce, as vice president of the Sioux Middle Christian Schoolhouse Lath, and as a fellow member of the Board of Directors of St. Lukeâۉ„¢due south College in Sioux City. Dr. Taylor earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from Calvin College (USA), a chief'due south caste in college and academy administration from Michigan State Academy (USA), and a Ph.D. in educational leadership and policy studies from Iowa State University (Usa).

Danny Lee Lian Fey, BBA, MA

VP iv - Chief Marketing Officer

Danny Lee Lian Fey completed his beginning degree (Available of Business Assistants) at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, and his postgraduate degree (MA in Marketing) at Northumbria University, Newcastle. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. research studies in Customer Relationship Direction. After his first 5-year career in advertizing and promotion, Danny decided for a modify and joined the private teaching industry in Malaysia. He has worked in various education organizations including INTI International Academy, Australian International School Malaysia, Rafflesia Education Group, SEGi University & Colleges, and City University Malaysia. He has 27 years of feel in marketing and in education (tertiary and K-12 school), with hands-on experience in strategic development also as in operations.

Firman Rusli, MEng, PMP, CPC

VP v - Chief Technology Officer

Yonky Saputra Sim, B.Sc., M.B.A.

VP six - Primary Financial Officer

Yonky Saputra Sim pursued his Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Business Administration at California State Academy, Long Beach. Yonky has 20 years of experience in Finance across several different industries, ranging from family businesses, public or multi-national companies, both in United states of america and Indonesia. Prior to joining YUPH, he was the Director of Finance at PT. Madusari Murni Indah Tbk.


Dra. Gracia Shinta S. Ugut,
M.B.A., Ph.D.

Dean of Faculty of Economic science and Business

Dra. Gracia Shinta S. Ugut, M.B.A., Ph.D. is the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Concern. She earned her Bachelor of Management from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Main of Concern Assistants from University of Mississippi, and Ph.D in Financial Economic science with Latin honor from Vienna University of Economics (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, In Austria) under the North-South Dialogue Programme, scholarship programme from the European Matrimony. Aside from teaching at university, she is also a certified trainer for microfinance from The Consultative Group to Assist the Pooerest ( CGAP) - World bank.

Dr. Naniek Novijanti Setijadi,
Due south.Pd., M.Si.

Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Dr. Naniek Novijanti Setijadi, S.Pd., M.Si. is the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. She teaches Internship on PR, Introduction to Communication, Thesis, Mass Communication, and Communication Theory courses. Her areas of interest include cultural studies, and media studies. She earned her Master's Degree in Communication Management and Doctorate's Degree in Advice Science from Universitas Republic of indonesia. She also has a Dosen Nasional Republic of indonesia Certificate.

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Eric Jobiliong, Ph.D.

Dean of Faculty of Scientific discipline and Technology

Eric Jobiliong, Ph.D. is the dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology. He teaches Mechanics and Thermodynamics; Audio, Wave, Electricity and Magnetism; Calculus 1 - 3; Linear Algebra; Financial Mathematics courses. His research interests include solid affair physics and laser spectroscopy. He earned his bachelor's degree in Physics from Universitas Indonesia, master's degree in Physics from the Universitas Indonesia, doctoral degree in Physics from Florida State University. He also received a postdoctoral scholarship at Georgetown Academy (The states) in 2006. Autonomously from teaching, he has also served equally the executive manager of the Center for Customs Enquiry and Evolution (LPPM) since 2013 and became chairman of the LPPM in 2017.


  • URGE scholarship for master's program in Physics from UI, 1997-1999
  • the Fulbright-DIKTI research program in 2011 to conduct research in the U.s.a.
  • mentoring program to meliorate the academic quality of lecturers at the Academy of Waterloo at the expense of the 2018 READI project

Journal Publications:

  • Suppression of cocky-absorption in light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-induced breakdown spectroscopy using a double pulse orthogonal configuration to create vacuum-like conditions in atmospheric air force per unit area
    Scientific report ten (1), ane-9, 2020
  • Underlying physical processes for fourth dimension dependent variations of He triplet and singlet intensities in light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-induced He plasma
    Journal of Applied Physics 127, 24 (2020) three
  • Light storage and thermal-assisted switching of SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+
    Periodical of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, 28, 04 (2019)

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Dr. Eng. Ir. Pujianto Yugopuspito,

Dean of Kinesthesia of Schoolhouse of Informatics and Technology

Dr.Eng., Ir. Pujianto Yugopuspito, M.Sc. is the Dean of School of Information Science and Technology. He teaches Perancangan dan Pemrograman Web, Rekayasa Aplikasi Terdistribusi, Pengembangan Piranti Lunak, Arsitektur Piranti Lunak, and Pemrograman Paralel courses. His areas of involvement include advanced software engineering, loftier functioning computing, and distributed computing. He earned his championship of Insinyur (Ir.) Teknik Mesin (Machine Analytics) from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Master of Scientific discipline (MSc.) in Software Techniques for Computer Aided Engineering from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom, and Doctor of Engineering (Dr.Eng.) in Reckoner Science and Advice Engineering from Kyushu University in Japan. He is too a Certified Reviewer for National Research, and a Certified Educator.


  • All-time paper awards in 1st International Briefing and Workshop on Telecommunication, Computing, Electrical, Electronics and Control

Journal Publications:

  • Towards adaptive sensor-deject for Cyberspace of Things Telkomnika (Telecommunications Calculating Electronics and Control) vol: 16, issue : 6, 2018-12-01, Journal Q3
  • Comparison of motorcar learning operation for convulsion prediction in Republic of indonesia using 30 years historical data. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Calculating Electronics and Control), vol: 18, effect : 3, 2020-01-01, Journal Q3
  • Inter session communication in a reactive web application for the IoT system, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Conference Proceeding Q4

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Dr. Martin Luqman Katoppo,
S.T., Yard.T.

Dean of Schoolhouse of Design

Dr. Martin Luqman Katoppo, South.T., M.T. is the Dean of School of Design. He teaches Desain Masyarakat & Lingkungan, Wacana Desain, Riset Desain, Magang/Kolaborasi, Kerja Praktek, and Desain Keseharian courses. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Compages from Universitas Kristen Republic of indonesia, Primary's Degree in Architecture specializing in History, Theory and Criticism, and Doctoral Degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Prof. Dr. Bintan R. Saragih,

Dean of Faculty of Law

Prof. Dr. Bintan R. Saragih, Southward.H. is the Dean of Faculty of Constabulary. He teaches Legal Research Method; Constitutional law; State Science courses. He earned his Bachelor of Law from Universitas Indonesia and doctoral degree in Ramble Law from Universitas Padjajaran.

Prof. Dr. Dr. dr. Eka J. Wahjoepramono,
Sp.BS., Ph.D.

Dean of Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Dr. dr. Eka J. Wahjoepramono, Sp.BS., Ph.D. is the Dean of Kinesthesia of Medicine. He teaches Introduction to Clinical Medicine II, Neuroscience, Fundamental Medical Science II, and Doctor, Professionalism, Ethics, and Club courses. He earned his Available's Caste from University of Diponegoro, and Neurosurgical Preparation Caste from University of Padjajaran. He is likewise the Chairman of Neuroscience Center Siloam Hospital, President-elect of Globe University of Neurological Surgeons, Founder of Indonesia Brain Foundation, and Founder of World University of Neurosurgical Surgeons.

Grace Solely Houghty,
Thou.B.A., M.Kep.

Dean of Faculty of Nursing

Grace Solely completed her available'southward degree in 2004 from Universitas Appearance Republic of indonesia, majoring in General Nursing Studies. She, afterward, gained her Master of Concern Administration (2005) from Philippine Christian University and Main of Nursing (2013) from Universitas Indonesia. She in one case worked at Siloam Hospital Group in 2006. She is one of the editors of Jurnal Skolastik Keperawatan, a journal for nursing studies. In 2018 she had a chance to be the translator in Siloam BIMC Kuta accreditation by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards International. She is also agile in research and community service. She loves nursing education and has a dream to encounter Indonesian nurses be recognized past the global community. She believes that those who are called to be nurses should as well have a middle that is willing to serve like Jesus Christ. She works together with her squad at UPH Faculty of Nursing to produce nurses who are competent, strong in graphic symbol, empathetic, and committed.

Oh Yen Nie, Southward.Eastward., M.Ed.

Dean of Faculty of Education

Oh Yen Nie, S.E., M.Ed. is the Dean of Faculty of Education. She teaches Foundation of Christian Education course. Her areas of interest are in christian instruction, principalship, christian leadership, and transformational learning. She earned her Master of Education from Morling College. She as well received a Principal Certification from ACSI.

Richard Anselmus PoEh,
S.S., 1000.Hum.

Dean of Kinesthesia of Liberal Arts

Richard Anselmus PoEh, S.Southward., G.Hum. is the Dean of Faculty of Liberal Arts. He teaches Soft Skills; Ethics; Leadership & Enterpreneurship courses. His research interests include literature, philosophy, and apologetics. He earned his Available of Literature from Universitas Sanata Dharma and Master of Humanities from Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Indrawan Tjhin,
S.KOM., B.MUS., MM., E.M.B.A.

Dean of Conservatory of Music

Indrawan Tjhin, S.KOM., B.MUS., MM., East.1000.B.A. is the Dean of Conservatory of Music Kinesthesia. He teaches Music Score Reading Skill, Stage Grooming and Evaluation, Recital, Pop Ensemble, Solfeggio Jazz, Community Music Project, Introduction to Music University, Jazz Music History, Last Projection Writing, and Seminar/Concert Attendance courses. He earned his Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance from The Royal Conservatory of the Hague in Netherlands, and Master of Management from Universitas Pelita Harapan, Dual Degree with Master of Business Assistants from Beijing Academy.

Yonathan Aditya,

Dean of Faculty of Psychology

Yonathan Aditya, Ph.D. is the Dean of Psychology Study Program. He teachesCounseling Psychology, Counseling Workshop, and Shut Relationship courses. His areas of involvement include spirituality, well-existence, and romantic human relationship. He earned his Master'south Caste in Counseling from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia (STTRI) and Doctor in Counseling Psychology from De La Salle University in Manilla. He too received Certification in Option Theory/Reality Therapy from William Glasser Institute.


  • Recipient of LLDIKTI Grant for enquiry

Journal Publications:

  • Does anger toward God moderate the relationship between religiousness and well-being. Roczniki Psychologiczne/Annals of Psychology
    in printing
  • Tin can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles? Advances in Social Scientific discipline, Educational activity and Humanities Enquiry, book 229. 2d International Briefing on Intervention and Applied Psychology
    ICIAP, 2018
  • Predicting Well-being from Different Dimensions of Religiousness: Initial Application of iv-BDRS Scale in Indonesia. In Proceedings of the third International Conference on Psychology in Wellness, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings

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Dr. Diena Mutiara Lemy,
A.PAR., Thou.Thou., CHE.

Dean of Hospitality and Tourism

Dr. Diena Mutiara Lemy, A.PAR., M.K., CHE. is the Dean of School of Hospitality and Tourism. She teaches Trend and Tourist Behaviour,Introduction to Tourism Knowledge and Hospitality,Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality,Collaboration, Technology, and Experiences,Service Management for Hospitality and Tourism,Planning and Evolution, and Sustainable Tourism courses. Her areas of interest sustainable tourism, and tourism trend. She earned her Diploma 4 from Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata (STP) Bandung, Master Caste from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and Doctoral Degree majoring in Service Management from Trisakti University. She is also Secretary Full general of The Clan of Indonesia Tourism Higher Teaching (Hildiktipari, Himpunan Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Pariwisata Indonesia).

Journal Publications:

  • Light-green Village Destination" Development Strategy Based On Ecgo Bicycle In Pelaga District Petang Badung Bali Indonesia
  • The Role of Spiritual Capital in the Hospitality Industry Destination Loyalty Towards Bali

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Apt. Dela Rosa,
Thou.M., One thousand.Sc.

Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences

Apt. Dela Rosa, M.M., M.Sc. is the Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences and the Head of Chemist's shop (S1) Study Program. She teaches Farmasetika Dasar, Farmasetika Lanjutan, Botani Farmasi, Farmakognosi, Fitokimia, Farmasi Bahan Alam, Kosmetik, Obat Tradisional, dan Makanan, Fitoterapi dan Jamu, and Kromatografi dan Elusidasi Struktur courses. Her areas of interest include natural ingredient pharmacy, pharmacognosy, and phytochemicals. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy with Pharmacist Profession from Universitas Padjajaran, Master's Degree in Management from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, and Master's Degree of Scientific discipline in Natural Ingredient Pharmacy from Universiteit Leiden.

Journal Publications:

  • Antioxidant and Anti-Melanogenic Activities of Pakoba Leaves (Syzygium sp.) from Northward Celebes
  • Antibacterial of Polyscias scuttelaria against Acinetobacter sp
  • Perbandingan Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Antijamur Antara Lengkuas (Alpinia galangal) dan Jahe (Zingiber officinale)

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Department Chair

Vina Christina Nugroho,
S.E., G.M.

Department Chair of Management

Vina Christina Nugroho, South.Due east., M.M. is the Department Chair of Management. She teaches Financial Market and Institutions; Principle of Finance; Investment Portfolio and Management courses. She earned her master's degree from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Work Experience:

  • Human relationship Manager at PT. Banking concern KEB HANA Indonesia (2012-2016)

Periodical/Book Publications:

  • Hutang Jangka Pendek Bagi Perusahaan Tertutup Di JABODETABEK
    Journal of Concern & Applied Management, 2017
  • The Human relationship Between Leverage, Maturity, And Investment Decision: Bear witness From Emerging Markets: Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies
    Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 2019
  • Sustainable Growth Charge per unit Model in Republic of indonesia Manufacturing Firms
    The Winners 21(two)

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Dra. Wijaya Triwacaningrum,
S.Due east., K.A., Ak., C.A., C.One thousand.A., C.S.R.Southward., C.Due south.R.A.

Department Chair of Bookkeeping

Dra. Wijaya Triwacananingrum, SE., Chiliad.A., AK., CA., CMA., CSP. is the Section Chair of Bookkeeping. She teaches Managerial Accounting, Sustainability Reporting, Price Accounting, and Basic Financial Bookkeeping courses. Her areas of interest include corporate sustainability, performance management, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and corporate governance (CG). She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Chief in Accounting from Universitas Airlangga. She is also a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified Sustainability Practitioner (CSP), registered as a State Annals Accountant, as well as a fellow member of the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants.

Journal Publications:

  • Enhancing the task performance of banking company employees: relevance of trust, self-efficacy, and budget participation.
  • Cloth Flow Price Accounting: A Literature Review To Encourage Research In The Industrial Revolution four.0 Implementation Era .

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Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay,
Due south.Sos., M.Si.

Section Chair of Communication Sciences

Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay, Due south.SOS., Yard.SI. is the Department Chair of Communication Sciencees. She teaches Pengantar Public Relations, Internship on PR, Penulisan Public Relations, Magang PR, Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, Skripsi, PR for NGO, and Marketing PR courses. She earned her Master'southward Degree in Media and Communication Studies from Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.

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Floranesia Lantang,
Due south.H.Int., M.Nat.Sec.Politician.

Department Chair of International Relations

Floranesia Lantang, S.H.Int., MNatSecPol. is the Department Chair of International Relations. She teaches Diplomacy; Regional Autonomy & Foreign Investment; Political & security chance assay; Concern & HAM; Political Economic system in America; MNC in emerging markets; English in International Relationscourses. She earned Bachelor of International Relations from Universitas Padjadjaran and Master of National Security Policy from Australian National University.

Rambu Naha,
S.I.Kom, Yard.I.Kom.

Department Chair of Applied Advice Sciences Online Learning

Rambu Naha, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom. is the Caput of Practical Communication Sciences Online Learning Report Plan. She teaches Komunikasi Antar Pribadi, Desain Penelitian Kualitatif, Teori Komunikasi, Sosiologi Komunikasi, and Kajian Media, Masyarakat, dan Budaya courses. Her areas of interest include media studies, and cultural studies. She earned her Bachelor's Caste in Communication Scientific discipline from Universitas Merdeka Malang, and Master's Degree in Communication from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Kie Van Ivanky Saputra, Southward.Si., Ph.D.

Section Chair of Mathematics

Kie Van Ivanky Saputra is the Department Chair of Mathematics. He teaches Numerical Method; Risk Theory; Real Analysiscourses. His research interests include dynamical systems, actuarial mathematics, and statistical education. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from La Trobe University. He is a candidate of Society of Actuary (Exam P), a global professional organization for actuaries.


  • Master Investigators of "Implementation of a randomization-based curriculum for introductory statistics at Universitas Pelita Harapan and across Indonesia" funded by National University of Science and the United States Agency of International Development (USAID).
    Sponsor Grant Award Number: AID-OAA-A-11-00012.
    International collaborator: Nathan Tintle (Dordt College, U.s.a.)
  • Selected Participant of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September eighteen-23 2016, Heidelberg
  • Fulbright Senior Research Award 2014/2015 at OHIO University, Athens, Ohio – USA from September – December 2014.

Journal Publications:

  • Idiosyncratic tail gamble and stock return in Republic of indonesia
    Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan 24, no. 2 (2020): 241-251.
  • Analysis of Risk Measures of Reinsurance Designs under Exponential Loss Distribution using Value at Chance and Ruin Probability
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019 (Vol. 2192, No. 1, p. 030005). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Generating a concatenation of maps which preserve the same integral as a given map
    Physica Scripta 94 12507 (2019).

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Dr. Reinhard Pinontoan

Department Chair of Biological science

Dr. Reinhard Pinontoan is the Section Chair of Biotechnology. His areas of involvement include environmental science, and health scientific discipline. He earned his Doctoral Degree in Agronomical Science from Nagoya University, and a Post-doctoral Preparation on Cancer Research Nagoya University Bioscience and Biotechnology Center and Shanghai Cancer Institute.

Dr. Marincan Pardede,
S.Si., M.Si.

Section Chair of Electrical Engineering

Marincan Pardede received his Bachelor (South.Si.) degree in Physics from North Sumatera Academy (USU) in 1996. Master and Medico Caste in Optoelectronic from University of Indonesia, in 1998 and 2003. From 1996 up to now his research field in Applied Atomic Spectroscopy using Laser-Plasma Spectroscopy for elemental analysis likewise machinery of laser-plasma generation. He got several research grants, including the World grade Research grant from Indonesian Authorities (Dikti). From 2003 up to now he joined Dept. of Electric Eng., Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Priskila Christine Rahayu,
South.Si., One thousand.T.

Department Chair of Industrial Engineering

Priskila Christine Rahayu, South.Si., M.T. is the Department Chair of Industrial Engineering. She teaches Information Systems Analysis & Design course; Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Master Data; ERP Inventory Management; Information System Direction courses. Her research interests include the analysis & design of Information Systems and ERP. She earned a bachelor'south degree in Mathematics in Estimator Scientific discipline from Immanuel Christian University and a master'south degree in Industrial Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:

  • Analysis of Implementation and Proposal Evolution of ERP System in CV Indah Jaya, IOP Briefing
    Series Globe and Ecology Science 426:012149
  • Design of Integrated Information Management Arrangement for Sustainability Reporting and Program for Manufacturing Industries in Indonesia
    Indonesian Journal of Life Cycle Cess and Sustainability (IJoLCAS)
  • Perancangan Sistem Informasi Sebagai Rekayasa Proses Bisnis dengan Menggunakan Metode Iterative SDLC
    Periodical of Industrial Manufacturing 2 (2)

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Sadvent Martondang Purba, S.T., M.Sc

Section Chair of Civil Engineering

Sadvent Grand. Purba, Due south.T., M.Sc. is the Department Chair of Civil Engineering science. He teaches Structural Dynamics; Earthquake Resistant Construction; Engineering Mechanics iv; 3 Concrete Structure; Foundation Engineering science 1; Foundation Engineering science two; Mathematics 3; Physics and Mechanics courses. His research interests include dynamics structure and earthquake. He earned his primary's degree in Ceremonious and Construction from National Academy of Science and Technology.

Ir. W. Donald R. Pokatong,
Yard.Sc., Ph.D.

Department Chair of Food Technology

Ir. W. Donald R. Pokatong, M.Sc., Ph.D. is the Department Chair of Food Technology. He teaches Food Biochemistry; Food Processing Engineering; Food Analysis; Food Safety and Sanitation; Food Quality Assurance; Nutrient Additives; Fruit and Vegetable Processing Engineering; Fermented Potable Technology courses. His enquiry interests include food processing and fermentation, functional food and bioproducts, edible motion-picture show/blanket, fermentation inhibitors, and product development. He earned his available's degree in Agronomical Technology from Universitas Sam Ratulangi and master's and Doctoral degrees in Food Scientific discipline and Applied Microbiology from the Academy of Saskatchewan. Aside from didactics at university, he was also an AACC International Member (2014-2020) and is an active member of PATPI (Association of Indonesian Food Technology Experts) and P3FNI (Association of Indonesian Functional and Nutritional Nutrient Activists).


  • Postdoctoral fellowship at Plant Biotechnology Found of NRCC, Saskatoon, Canada in 2001-2002

Journal Publications:

  • Characterization and Development of Edible Film/Coating from Lesser Yam Starch-Plasticizer Added with Potassium Sorbate or Cinnamon Oil in Affecting Characteristics and Shelf Life of Stored, Coated Strawberry
    Reaktor, Chemic Engineering Journal, Volume 18 No. four, December 2018

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Arnold Aribowo,
S.T., Yard.T.

Section Chair of Information Systems

Arnold Ariwibowo, Due south.T., M.T. is the Section Chair of Information Systems. His areas of interest include discrete mathematics, and computational intelligence. He earned his title of S1 Teknik Elektro (Teknik Komputer dan Informatika) from Universitas Diponegoro in Semarang, and S2 Teknik Elektro (Sistem Komputer Informatika) from Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta.

Irene A. Lazarusli,
S.Kom., Thou.T.

Section Chair of Informatics

Irene A. Lazarusli, Due south.Kom., M.T. is the Section Chair of Informatics. She teaches Pengantar Informatika dan Komputasi, Pemrograman Java, Sistem Media Interaktif, and Technopreneurship courses. Her areas of interest include multimedia system development, game development, multimedia mining, and human-computer interaction and user experience. She earned her Available's Degree in Informatics from Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, and Master'southward Degree in Industrial Engineering concentrating in Multimedia from Universitas Pelita Harapan. She is also a Certified Educator.

Journal Publications:

  • Towards Adaptive Sensor-Cloud for Cyberspace of Things, I Fabricated Murwantara, Hendra Tjahyadi, Pujianto Yugopuspito, Arnold Aribowo, Irene A Lazarusli Telkomnika, 2018, 16(6).

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Andreas Yanuar Wibisono, South.T., One thousand.Ars.

Section Chair of Compages

Andreas Yanuar Wibisono, S.T., Grand.Ars. is the Department Chair of Compages. He teaches Architecture Studio 2, Basic Architecture Theory, and Architecture Critics courses. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Architecture from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, and Master'due south Caste in Architecture from Universitas Tarumanagara.

Bambang Tutuka Adi Nugroho, Southward.Sn., M.T.

Department Chair of Interior Design

Bambang Tutuka Adi Nugroho, Southward.Sn., M.T. is the Department Chair of Interior Design. He teaches SDII 1 & 2 (Perancangan Residensial & Retail), Textile & Konstruksi, Gambar, Furnitur, Desain Pencahayaan, Akustik Interior, and Interior Transportasi courses. His areas of interest include lighting, acoustic, and material. He earned his Available's Degree in Interior Pattern from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and Master's Degree in Engineering (Building Physics) from Institut Teknologi Bandung. He is also Lighting Pattern Consultant.

Dr. Lala Palupi Sanyaputri,
Due south.Sn., One thousand.Si.

Department Chair of Visual Communication Design

Dr. Lala Palupi Santyaputri, S.Sn., Yard.Si. is the Department Chair of the Visual Communication Design. She teaches Supporting Studio 2; Design Methodology; Pre-Final Projection; Concluding Project courses. Her research interests include picture studies, gender studies, art history, and Indonesian film history. She earned a Available of Arts in Visual Communication Design from Universitas Trisakti, a Master of Science in Advice from Universitas Indonesia, and a Doctorate in Fine art and Design from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Journal Publications:

  • Multiplikasi sebagai Strategi Narasi Picture show
    SENADA (Seminar Nasional Desain Dan Arsitektur) two, 91-97
  • Preserving local wisdom on water conservation through video documentary (case studies: Mekar Bakti Village, Panongan Regency, Tangerang)
    IOP Conference Series: World and Environmental Science 452 (1)
  • Eksplorasi Visual Naratif Republic of indonesia-Tionghoa dalam Film Karya Mahasiswa
    DESKOMVIS: Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Komunikasi Visual, Seni Rupa Dan Media i (1)

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Devanny Gumulya,
S.Sn., M.Sc.

Department Chair of Product Design

Devanny Gumulya, Southward.Sn., M.Sc. is the Department Chair of Production Design. She teaches Pattern Methodology, Socio-cultural Pattern, Production Design History, Design for Community, and Seminar courses. Her areas of involvement include pattern history, and semiotics. She earned her title in Product Service System Blueprint from Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy.

Journal Publications:

  • Pencarian Identitas Desain Lampu Gentur Cianjur Dengan Pendekatan Teori Semiotik
    MUDRA Jurnal Seni Budaya Volume 33, Nomor 1, Februari 2018
  • The part of perceived enjoyment in people's attitude to accept toy and equipment renting for children: A comparative report betwixt people who take been using the service versus those who have never used the rental service
    Management Scientific discipline Letters, 2020
  • Kajian Teori Emotional Design
    Jurnal Desain Unindra, 2015

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Dr. V. Esti Purnama Sari, Due south.H., M.Hum.

Department Chair of Law

Dr. 5. Esti Purnama Sari, S.H., Yard.Hum. is the Department Chair of Law. She teaches Introduction to Legal Studies; Customary law; Civil law; Law of Property and Inheritance courses. She earned her Available of Police from Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta, Master of Police force from Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta, and doctoral degree in Police from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Dr. dr. Allen Widysanto,

Section Chair of Report Plan & Vice Dean of Academic

Dr. dr. Allen Widysanto, Sp.P. is the Section of Medicine & Vice Dean of Academic for Faculty of Medicine. He teaches Introduction to Clinical Medicine I & II, Respiratory System, Fundamental Medical Scientific discipline I, Clinical Skill II, and Clinical Exposure IV courses. He earned his Medical Medico Degree from Atma Jaya University, Pulmonology and Respiratory Specialist from University of Indonesia, Tobacco Treatment Specialist from University of Mississippi, and Doctorate Caste from Universitas Hasanuddin.

Yakobus Siswadi,

Department Chair of Nursing

Yakobus Siswadi, MSN., DNSc is the Section Chair of Nursing. He teaches Geriatric Nursing, Nursing Theory and Practice, Introdction to Nursing Process and Theory, and Medical Surgical Nursing courses. His areas of interest include nursing education, and medical surgical nursing. He has a title of Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Nursing and Doctorate of Nursing.


  • Mitra bestari Jurnal Keperawatan

Journal Publications:

  • International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences
  • JURNAL NERS - Unair
  • Polyglot: Jurnal Ilmiah

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Jeffrey Spanogle

Department Chair of International Teachers College

Dr. Jeffrey Spanogle joined the International Teachers College in July 2016 as an Education and Theology lecturer. He has taught a variety of subjects from his varied educational background. He experienced instruction several years in the Mississippi public schoolhouse system equally a high school math instructor and seven years in higher education both overseas (Teachers Training College in Paksé, Laos) and in several American Universities (Dominican University, Trinity International Academy, and Trinity Christian College in the greater Chicago surface area). He served as a lecturer for several years at ITC before taking on an administrative role of directing the program under Dr. Taylor. Dr. Spanogle has a bachelor's caste in Electrical Applied science from Grove City College (Usa), a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Mississippi (USA), a master of divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary (USA), a TESOL document from Wheaton College (USA), and a Ph.D. from Trinity International University (USA). His wife Heather, who has a primary'due south degree in Intercultural Studies from Wheaton Higher (Usa), also teaches at the ITC and has helped support bookish English development from her background in TESOL and literacy programs through World Relief. Their three children—Lydia, Elias, and Titus—are enjoying their early babyhood in Indonesia and running through the halls at ITC. Dr. Spanogle'southward areas of teaching usually include Theology and Education and include interests in Technology, Science, Math, Culture, and Philosophy. His research on Leviticus and Holiness continues to be an area of study alongside its intersection with education.

Atalya Agustin,
S.Pd., Thousand.Pd.

Department Chair of Primary Educational activity

Atalya Agustin, S.Pd., M.Pd. is the Department Chair of English Linguistic communication Education. She teaches PSAL (Planning, Strategy, Cess, and Learning) Reading and Vocabulary; PSAL Grammar; Phonology; Semanticscourses. Her inquiry interests include English language language education, Indonesian linguistic communication education, professional development, and critical reflection in language form. She earned a bachelor's degree in English Linguistic communication Teaching from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana and a primary's degree in Primary Education majoring Indonesian Language Education from Universitas Negeri Semarang.

Periodical Publications:

  • Pembelajaran Apresiasi Cerita Pendek Bermuatan Konservasi Budaya dan Menulis Kreatif dengan Model Kreatif Produktif Melalui Metode Ekspresi Tulis dan Visual Berdasarkan Minat Sastra
    Periodical of Primary Instruction, UNNES, 2012
  • Reflective Journal as a Self-Directed and Sustainable Professional Development Tool for Pre-Service Teachers: A Case Study in English language Education Study Programme
    Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2019
  • The Analysis of English Language Education Students' Teaching Skills During Microteaching: Production-Process Arroyo in Pedagogy Grammar
    Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017

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Destya Waty Silalahi,
S.Pd.Si., K.Pd.

Department Chair of Biological science Education

Destya Waty Silalahi, Due south.Pd.Si., M.Pd. is the Department Chair of Biology Pedagogy. She teaches Characteristics and Competencies of Christian teachers; Learning methods; Learning and Learning Theory; PSAL courses. Her research interests include teaching, Christian education, educational technology. She earned her bachelor's degree in Biology Pedagogy from Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, and Chief of Teaching in Educational Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kelly Sinaga,
S.TP., M.PKim.

Section Chair of Chemical science Education

Kelly Gloria Sinaga, Southward.Tp., G.P.Kim. is the Department Chair of Chemical science Instruction. She teaches General Chemistry; Nuts of Chemistry; Structure, Nomenclature and Reactivity of Organic Compounds; Reactions and Synthesis of Organic Compounds courses. Her research interests include flipp classroom, multiple representation, HOTS, STEM, e-modul, and Student Regulated Learning (SRL). She earned her bachelor's degree in Agriculture Industrial Technology from Institut Pertanian Bogor and chief'southward degree in Chemistry Teaching from Institut Teknologi Bandung. Autonomously from instruction at academy, she is also a member of Indonesian Chemistry Association (HKI).

Journal Publications:

  • Penerapan Flipped Classroom Pada Mata Kuliah Kimia Dasar untuk Meningkatkan Self-Regulated Learning Belajar Mahasiswa
    Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Kimia, 2017

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Lindawati, S.H.,
Grand.Div., M.Th.(K)

Section Chair of Christian Religion Education

Lindawati, Due south.H., M.Div., One thousand.Th.(K) is the Department Chair of Christian Religion Didactics. She teaches Religious Education i; Systematic Theology 2; Systematic Theology 6; Theological Psychology; Erstwhile Testament Theology; Christian Ideals courses. Her research interest includes counseling, biblical studies, history, and politics. She earned her Available of Police from Universitas Simalungun Republic of indonesia, Primary of Divinity from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia, and Master of Theology in Counseling from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Indonesia. Apart from teaching at the university, he is besides a fellow member of the Indonesian Christian Counselors Association and Indonesian Lecturer Association.

Neng Priyanti,
S.Pd., M.Ed., M.A.

Department Chair of English Language Education

Neng Priyanti, S.Pd., M.Ed., M.A. is the Department Chair of English language Linguistic communication Educational activity Study Program. She teaches Morphology and Syntax; Cantankerous cultural understanding; Grammar and Structure; Child and Adolescent Development; Teaching Children with Various Abilities; Basic English; Intermediate English languagecourses. Her inquiry interests include inclusive education, discourse analysis, language assessment, and disability studies. She earned her diploma in English language Language and Literature from Universitas Republic of indonesia, available'due south caste in English Education from Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Primary of Arts in Applied Linguistics from University of New South Wales, and Chief of Educational activity in Special Didactics from University of New South Wales.

Journal Publications:

    Polyglot, 2019
  • Representations of People with Disabilities in an Indonesian Newspaper: A Critical Discourse Analysis
    Disability Studies Quarterly, 2018
  • Examination usefulness of IELTS writing test tasks
    Apples: Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2017

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Asih Enggar Susanti,
S.Pd., M.Pd.

Department Chair of Economics Educational activity

Asih Enggar Susanti, Due south.Pd., One thousand.Pd. is the Department Chair of Economics Didactics. She teaches School Based Management; Assessment and Evaluation of Learning; Curriculum Studies; PSAP Economy; Human Resource Management courses. Her research interests include management, educational technology, curriculum, and assessment. She earned her available's degree in Economical Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan and a master's degree in Educational Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:

  • Peran Guru Kristen sebagai Pemegang Otoritas untuk Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa dalam Pembelajaran [The Role of Christian Teachers in Exercising Authorisation to Better Field of study in Learning]

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Ariani Tandi Padang,

Section Chair of Social Science Education

Ariani Tandi Padang, Chiliad.Pd. is the Department Chair of Social Sciences Education. She teaches Environmental Geography; Geographic Data System; Physical Geography; Introduction to Social Studies Education; PSAP IPS; PSAP Geography; Multicultural Order courses. She earned her bachelor'southward degree in Economical Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan and master'southward degree in Social Sciences from the Universitas Lampung.

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Kurnia Putri Sepdikasari Dirgantoro,

Department Chair of Mathematics Education

Kurnia Putri Sepdikasari Dirgantoro, M.Pd. earned a principal's degree in Mathematics Education from the Indonesia Academy of Instruction. Her research involvement is in mathematics educational activity. Her promise is that students tin can acquire Mathematics happily and are not afraid.

Kurniawati Martha,
S.Si, M.Pd

Department Chair of Physics Education

Kurniawati Martha, Due south.Si, Grand.Pd is the Department Chair of Physics Teaching. She teaches Basic Science; Learning Assessment & Evaluation; Learning & Learning Theory; PSAP Physics; Learning methods; Written report the Curriculum; Workshop courses. Her research interest is in teaching. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Physics from Universitas Sanata Dharma and Main of Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Drs. Pitaya Rahmadi,

Department Chair of Bahasa Republic of indonesia Educational activity

Drs. Pitaya Rahmadi, M.Pd. is the Section Chair of Indonesian Language Education. He teaches Kajian Prosa, Kajian Puisi, Kritik Sastra, and PSAP Sastra Indonesia courses. His areas of interest include critical thinking through literature learning, and Christianity value integration in literature learning. He earned his Bachelor's Caste in Indonesian and Literature Education from Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta, and Master's Degree in Educational activity from Universitas Pelita Harapan. He was also a National Curriculum Instructor in 2013.

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Department Chair of Liberal Arts

Drs. Gandadinata Thamrin, Thou.M., M.A., D.Min. is the Section Chair of Liberal Arts. He teaches Leadership & Entrepreneurship; Fundamentals of management; Human being Resource Management; Introduction to Business courses. His enquiry interests include direction, counseling, and short plays. He earned his Available of Direction Economic science from Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta, Chief of Direction from Institute Bisnis Nusantara, Primary of Arts from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Amanat Agung, Master of Arts from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta, and Doctor of Ministry from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Cipanas.

Delicia Mandy Nugroho,
Southward.Sn., Thousand.Mus.

Department Chair of Music

Delicia Mandy Nugroho, S.SN., G.MUS. is the Section Chair of Music. She teaches Community Music Project, Introduction to Music University, Qualification Judge, Last Project Writing, Solfeggio, Stage Training and Evaluation, Classical Piano Major Instrument, Final Project Preparation, Competency Examination, Recital, and Seminar/Concert Attendance courses. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Church Music from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and Main's Degree in Piano Performance from Texas State University.

Karel Karsten Himawan,
M.Psi., Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

Section Chair of Psychology

Karel Karsten Himawan, M.Psi., Ph.D. is the Section Chair of Psychology. He teaches Social Psychology, Ethical Codes of Psychology, and Aberrant Psychology courses. His areas of involvement include bug related to singleness, romantic human relationship, gender roles, spirituality and religiosity, and well-being in the cultural context. He earned his bachelor's degree in Psychology from Universitas Pelita Harapan, Master of Psychology in Adult Clinical Psychology from Universitas Tarumanagara, and Md of Philosophy in Social-clinical Psychology Field from The University of Queensland in Australia. He is also a licensed Clinical Psychologist (Ikatan Psikolog Klinis, HIMPSI), and has a professional practice with a focus in handling cases related to romantic relationship, matrimony, and family, equally well as life adjustment issues in young adults.


  • Emerging Scholar Award, Common Ground Research Network
    Berkeley, CA, Us, 2019
  • Sarlito Due west. Sarwono Accolade, Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara
    ID, 2018
  • Full Scholarship (Ph.D), Indonesian Endowment Funds for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan)
    ID, 2016

Journal Publications:

  • Himawan, Yard. K. (2020). Singleness, sexual practice, and spirituality: How religion affects the experience of being single in Indonesia. Mental Health, Culture, and Religion, 23(2), 204-215. DOI: ten.1080/13674676.2020.1767555
  • Himawan, M. K. (2019). Either I do or I must: An exploration of the marriage attitudes of Indonesian singles. The Social Science Journal, 56(2), 220-227. DOI: ten.1016/j.soscij.2018.07.007
  • Himawan, 1000. Yard., Bambling, M., & Edirippulige, Southward. (2018). The Asian Unmarried Profiles: Discovering Many Faces of Asian Never-Married Adults. Periodical of Family unit Bug, 39(xiv), 3667-3689. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X18789205

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Dr. Amelda Pramezwary,
A.Par., M.M.

Department Chair of Hospitality Direction

Dr. Amelda Pramezwary, A.Par., M.M. is the Section Chair of Hospitality Direction. She teachesEtiquette and Protocol, Service Management for Hospitality and Tourism, Hotel Facility Design, Planning and Development, Planning and Development, and Sustainable Tourism courses. Her areas of sustainable gastronomy, service management, and sustainable tourism. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Tourism Applied science in Hotel Administration from Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung, Principal of Direction Marketing from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and Doctor in Service Direction from Faculty of Economics at Trisakti University. She is also a National Assessor of the Board of National Accreditaion for Higher Didactics (BAN-PT), and actively takes function in helping the Ministry of Tourism of the Commonwealth of Indonesia, working on various projects related to the national sustainable tourism development since 2010.

Journal Publications:

  • Tourism Development in Indonesia
  • The Part of Spiritual Capital in the Hospitality Industry
  • How sustainable is our destination? A snap-shot from the Outset Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Destination Laurels

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Yustisia Kristiana,
S.S.T., M.M.

Department Chair of Travel Industry Management

Yustisia Kristiana, S.Due south.T., M.1000.is the Section Chair of Travel Industry Direction. She teaches Ecotourism Studies, Human Resources Management, Tourism and Hospitality Commitment Service Management, Planning and Development, andSustainable Tourism courses. Her areas of interest include tourism, particularly sustainable tourism. She earned herBachelor'southward Degree in Applied Science in Tourismfrom Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata (STP) Bandung, and Master of Human Resources Direction from UniversitasPelitaHarapan. She is too anAssessor of National Professional Certification Board (BNSP). She's also an Assessor of National Professional Certification Board (BNSP), and Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Award (ISTA).


  • Best Paper in International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy and Tourist Destination

Periodical Publications:

  • The influence of intrinsic, extrinsic, and consumer attitudes towards intention to stay at a budget hotel
    African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure , 2020
  • Implementation of analysis of talent management in family business
    International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering science, 2020
  • Tourism and original local government revenue in Indonesia Tourism Provinces: The Coffee Island experience
    Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020

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Feronia Reni Cyrena Santoso,

Department Chair of Chemist's shop

Feronia Reni Cyrena Santoso, M.Due south.Subcontract. is the Section Chair of Pharmacy (S1). She teaches Botani Farmasi, Farmakognosi, Fitokimia, Farmasi Bahan Alam, Kimia Organik, Kimia Farmasi Analitik, and Fitoterapi dan Jamu courses. Her areas of interest include natural ingredients pharmacy, pharmacognosy, phytochemicals, and organic chemicals. She earned her Bachelor's Caste in Pharmacy from Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Indonesia, and her Principal's Caste in Natural Ingredients Chemist's from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Journal Publications:


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apt. Jessica Novia,

Department Chair of D3 Pharmacy

apt. Jessica Novia, Chiliad.Sc. is the Department Chair of Chemist's shop (D3). She teaches Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia, Farmakologi Dasar, Farmakologi I, Farmakologi Ii, Kapita Selekta, Mikrobiologi dan Parasitologi, Biostatistika, Spesialis Obat dan Terminologi, and Karya Tulis Ilmiah courses. Her areas of interest include pharmacology, Pharmacoepidemiology, and clinical pharmacy. She earned her Bachelor's Caste in Pharmacy, Chemist Profession, and Principal of Science from Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Dr. Henry Soelistyo Budi, Southward.H., LL.M.

Department Chair of Chief of Law and Doctoral Plan

Since January 2012, Henry has become Department Chair of Postgraduate Program, School of Law at Pelita Harapan University (UPH). He got his Doctorate Caste in Law from Gadjah Mada University of Yogyakarta in 2010 with dissertation on "Moral Rights in the Copyright Law". He finished his report of Master of Laws (LL.M.) specialized in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) from the University of London in 1993. Having been a legislative drafter in the Cabinet Secretariat of Indonesia, this graduate of Constitutional Law of Diponegoro University of Semarang who was built-in in Solo in 1955 had been the Deputy of Authoritative Affairs at the Vice President Part of Indonesia from 2005 to 2010. Previously, Henry headed the Bureau of Law at the aforementioned establishment. IPR has greatly concerned him in line with the evolution of the National IPR System every bit well equally his activity as a lecturer at UPH and other universities and that in non-government organizations and professional organizations.

Dr. Susi Susantijo, S.H., LL.Chiliad.

Department Chair of Master of Notary

Susi Susantijo started her law career as an in-business firm lawyer and Corporate Secretarial assistant in a multinational group of companies. She earned her Available of Police (SH) from the Kinesthesia of Police force - Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU); Master of Law (LL.M) from Murdoch University - Australia and Md of Law from Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). She joins UPH since 2004, she was the Director of Assistants to UPH Constabulary Faculty and started her route in academia teaching Civil Police force, Commercial Law, and Law & Human Rights. Currently, she was entrusted to serve as Department Chair of Master of Public Notary at UPH Graduate School.

Dr. Pauline Henriette Pattyranie, S.E., 1000.Si.

Department Chair of Physician of Management

Dr. Margaretha Pink Berlianto,
S.Due east., M.M., Ak., CA

Department Chair of Master of Management

Dr. Margaretha Pink Berlianto, S.E., Yard.M., Ak., CA teaches Fundamentals of management; Marketing Basics; Service Marketing; Retail Management; Retail Strategy; Customer Relationship Direction courses. She earned her doctoral degree from Universitas Trisakti.

Periodical Publications:

  • Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan, Kepercayaan dan Komitmen Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Kembali pada Industri Kecantikan
    Journal of Management and Business organization Review, 2018
  • Konsekuensi dari Store Attributes, Mental attitude Toward Retailer dan Shared Value dalam Konteks Ritel
    Jurnal Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 2017
  • Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan-Due east, Kepuasan-East, Kepercayaan-E Terhadap Kesetiaan-E pada Gojek
    Concern Direction Journal, 2017

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Dra. Gracia Shinta S. Ugut, One thousand.B.A., Ph.D.

Department Chair of Master of Hospital Management

Amelia Joan Ribka Liwe, S.South., Grand.A., Ph.D

Department Chair of Main of International Relations

Dr. Benedictus A. Simangunsong, Due south.I.P., M.Si.

Department Chair of Master of Communication Plan

Dr.-Ing. Jack Widjajakusuma

Department Chair of Master of Civil Engineering

Dr. Diena Yard. Lemy, A.Par, Thousand.One thousand.

Department Chair of Master of Tourism

Dr. Niko Sudibjo, S.Psi., Chiliad.A.

Department Chair of Master of Education Program

Niko Sudibjo earned his Bachelor's degree in Psychology (S1) from the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya in 1993. Afterward working several years in Surabaya, he continued to pursue his Thousand.A. in Christian Education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Texas, U.s.a. and graduated in 1998. Then, in 2010, he got his Doctoral degree in Educational Management from Universitas Negeri Jakarta (a Sandwich Like Plan with the University of Victoria, Canada). In 2011, he was funded past the Directorate Full general of College Didactics, Ministry of National Didactics in Indonesia to join a program called Better Instruction through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading (BERMUTU) at The Institute of Educational activity, University College London, Britain.

Faculty Directors

Martje Costansa Malawau

Director of Administration of Business School

S.East., M.Thou.

Director of Administration and Student Affairs of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

One thousand.T., IPM

Managing director of Assistants and Student Affairs of Faculty of Science and Technology

Laurence, M.T., IPM is the Director of the Kinesthesia of Science and Technology. He teaches Engineering Economy; Product Planning and Control; Quality Command & Assurance; Life Cycle Engineering; Introduction to Industrial Engineering courses. His inquiry interests are information science, engineering economic system, quality control & balls, and production planning. He earned a master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:

  • Example study of life cycle assessment in bread production process
    Laurence, Natalia Hartono, Agustina Christiani
    IOP Briefing Series: Earth and Ecology Science, 2018, 195(one), 012043
  • "LIFE Bike Assessment IN SUPPLY CHAIN Management GAME"
    Natalia Hartono, Laurence, and Giovanni Hezekiah Chandra
    Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 3.1 (2020)
  • "Measurement of student satisfaction and loyalty using service quality model for college pedagogy (HedQual) at Industrial Engineering Department University of Pelita Harapan"
    Natalia Hartono, Laurence, and Belinda F. Tjahjadhi
    IOP Briefing Serial: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 703. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019.

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Ivonne Rezkiwati Soutan

Manager of Administration and Educatee Affairs of Faculty of Computer science

Lestari Ayu Anggraini,

Manager of Administration and Student Affairs of School of Pattern

Beverley Wonsono,
B.A., M.A.

Manager of Administration and Educatee Diplomacy of Faculty of Medicine

She earned a Bachelors degree in Uncomplicated Education from Wheaton Higher, Illinois, equally well as a Masters degree in Educational Leadership from Columbia University, New York. She has had experiences in elementary and loftier school settings equally both a instructor and an administrator.

Dina Valentina Silaban,
Due south.E.

Manajer of Kinesthesia Assistants & Student Diplomacy of Kinesthesia of Nursing

Adriani Gunawan

Director of Faculty Administration and Student Diplomacy of Kinesthesia of Liberal Arts, Conservatory of Music, and Faculty of Psychology

Earning multiple bachelor's degrees in Management and Education in Australia, Adriani furthered her principal's studies in Early Childhood and in School Management in Indonesia. As co-founder of a kindergarten, she has over ten years of marketing and management experience in multi-national companies and over 20 years of feel in the education field.

Sondang Hasugian,

Manager of Administration and Student Diplomacy of Schoolhouse of Hospitality & Tourism

Dr. Velliana Tanaya,
S.H., M.H.

Director Faculty Administration and Student Affairs of Faculty of Law

Dr. Velliana Tanaya, Southward.H., M.H. is the Director of Administration Faculty of Constabulary. She teaches Introduction to Indonesian Law; Contract Law; Act confronting the Law courses. Her research interests include concern law, contract, and Indonesian tort police force. She earned her Bachelor of Law, Primary of Law, and Doctor of Law from Universitas PElita Harapan.

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Director of Assistants of Faculty of Education Sciences

Yogi Saputra

Manager of Pupil Service of Faculty of Educational activity Sciences